Warnings about rising reproduction number in South Africa
During March I was quoted in the press in March 2021 warning about increasing cases (and hence reproduction numbers) in South Africa as well as appeared on a few radio stations.
EWN had this to say following an interview on the radio too:
Warnings that COVID infections in SA are slowly increasing
— EWNIn the past few days the Northern Cape, in particular, has seen a marked increase.
OFM had this:
SA’s #Covid19 cases slowly on the increase, especially in NC
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News24 mentioned me in two pieces:
EXPLAINER | Why does Covid-19 come in waves, and what role do mutations play? | News24
South African researchers have warned the country should prepare itself for the third wave of coronavirus infections likely to occur after the Easter holiday period.
Health department, MAC criticised for lack of communication around vaccination strategy | News24
The national Department of Health and Ministerial Advisory Committee have come under renewed criticism for their lack of communication on Covid-19 procurement and an effective rollout strategy.