
In this report we model the COVID-19 epidemic in South Africa. In this paper mobility data is used to model the reproduction number of the COVID-19 epidemic over time using Bayesian hierarchical model. Results are calibrated to reported deaths only. This is achieved by adapting the work in [1] for South Africa. Similar models have been built for Brazil [2] and the United States [3].

We use data as compiled in [4]. We use mobility movement indexes by province from [5]. This report is automatically generated using R [6] and contains data available on 29 May 2020.


Key features of the approach employed are:

See a more detailed description of the methodology and assumptions below.


Below we show the mobility data from [5]. We use the indexes at a provincial level but here we plot the national indexes.


Below we plot the mobility data from [5] for South Africa as a whole. Clear trends are observable over:

  • Mobility generally reduces before the lockdown on 27 March.
  • There is an increase in mobility in the days just before the lockdown. In particular the Grocery & Pharmacy and Retail indexes. Perhaps an indication of pre-lockdown “panic buying”?
  • Mobility is relatively stable during level 5 lockdown at low levels.
  • Mobility increases when level 4 starts.

Below we summarise this chart into the 3 indicators used in the model:

We do not show them separately, but, in the model, we use the provincial versions of these indexes.


This section shows the calibration of data for various provinces. Three panels are plotted for each province:

  1. The first panel shows the modelled daily number of infections (blue) compared to confirmed case counts (brown) as reported for the province. Note that this model does not calibrate to case data, but this data is shown for reference.
  2. The second shows the daily count of deaths reported in the province (brown) and the modelled deaths in blue.
  3. The third panel shows the estimates for \(R_{t,m}\) for each province.

In all the charts the darker shaded area represents a confidence interval of 50% and the lighter shaded area represents a confidence interval of 95%.

In general, it is noted:

Western Cape

The Western Cape has the most reported deaths of all provinces and hence the most data to calibrate. Below we plot the modelled infections. It’s clear that infections are far outpacing reported cases. Over the last 14 days it would appear that the Western Cape only tested 2.7% of all new infections.

Below we plot reported deaths in brown vs. modelled deaths in blue. This province has increasing numbers of deaths. The model appears to have a reasonable fit. The data does seem quite variable from day to day which may be perhaps data processing delays causing clumping of reported deaths.

Western Cape \(R_{t,m}\) is currently in a band between 1.5 and 2.0 after never truly moving much below 1.5. Thus, we are probably dealing with an already rapidly spreading epidemic.

Eastern Cape

Eastern Cape also has a recently had an increase in deaths. Data is still relatively sparse, but the model is clearly trending upwards to accommodate more frequent reporting of deaths. \(R_{t,m}\) for Eastern Cape appears to be slightly higher than Western Cape. A concerning trend. Over the last 14 days it would appear that 2.7% of all new infections were tested.


Gauteng has limited reported deaths. The long period of relatively low deaths is pulling the values of \(R_{t,m}\) during level 4 lockdown to be around 1. It is encouraging to see a slower epidemic in Gauteng. Over the last 14 days it would appear that 17.3% of all new infections were tested.


KwaZulu-Natal also has limited reported deaths. The long period of relatively low deaths is pulling the values of \(R_{t,m}\) during level 4 lockdown below 1. Over the last 14 days it would appear that 53.7% of all new infections were tested.

Other Provinces

The other provinces have extremely limited data. We should await more deaths to form a conclusive opinion on these provinces. Over the last 14 days it would appear that 12.3% of all new infections were tested.

Reproduction Number Estimates

Initial Reproduction Number

Below we plot estimates for \(R_{0,m}\) for each province. It is clear that the posterior estimates for \(R_{0,m}\) is not heavily influenced by the data. This is probably due to the relatively early lockdown implemented in South Africa. There was not deaths that resulted from infection prior to lockdown to develop an independent estimate for each province of \(R_{0,m}\).

Current Reproduction Number as at 29 May 2020

Below we plot current estimates and 95% confidence intervals for \(R_{t,m}\) (current reproduction number) for each province. It’s clear that currently the values of \(R_{t,m}\) are not below 1 (which would indicate an epidemic that is slowing). Only KwaZulu-Natal and Other provinces confidence intervals include 1. It is however clear that the spread of the epidemic is somewhat slowed compared to the initial \(R_{0,m}\).

The wide confidence intervals would indicate that we need to wait for the epidemic to further develop to include more data in our models. The confidence intervals for Western Cape is narrowing already.

Attack Ratio as at 29 May 2020

With this epidemic it’s difficult to know how many people has been infected to date. This is known as the attack ratio. Because a number of people experience no or mild symptoms, they may not seek medical advice and not be tested. Therefore, below we plot estimates of the attack ratio of the disease to date. That is the proportion of the population of each province that have been infected. Western Cape has the highest estimated prevalence to date, but with fairly wide confidence intervals. Eastern Cape currently has the second highest prevalence.

Province Attack Ratio
EC 1.44% [0.68%-2.79%]
GP 0.12% [0.06%-0.24%]
KZN 0.14% [0.09%-0.21%]
WC 8.33% [4.70%-13.80%]
OTH 0.03% [0.01%-0.08%]
South Africa 1.20% [0.77%-1.85%]


One of the reasons we build models is so that we can make sense of the future or indeed the past. We can project forward models and assess the impact of varying assumptions on future outcomes to get a sense of how changes in actions may impact the future. I.e. it allows us to answer “what if” questions.

Note however that in projecting the future (or indeed alternate pasts) we are extrapolating, and due care needs to be taken.

No change in Mobility


Future changes in Mobility

Below we consider future scenarios on mobility. Given that we are generally seeing a relaxation of lockdown we a may well see increased mobility in the future. So, we will consider a scenario of mobility increasing from current 50% to normal. I.e. halfway between what we have now and what we would have under normal circumstances as implied by [5].


Alternate Past - No Lockdown?


Alternate Past - Early Lockdown Release



Here the intention is to test the model on data up to say x-days ago and test the x-day projection accuracy. This period can be extended over time.

7-day Back Test


14-day Back Test




This analysis has some limitations:

  • The models are based on somewhat limited data for South Africa. In particular the effects of lockdown in some of the provinces may be simple “extrapolations” using the fixed effects (\(\alpha_{k}\)) and shared prior of \(R_{0,m}\), based on the effect in provinces with more data such as Western Cape. As these fits are updated with new data though the models should be more accurate for each province resulting in better estimates given.
  • No back-testing has yet been done given the limited data. The author is keeping past projections of the model to test accuracy of the model over time.
  • The models are simplistic high-level single population models for each province. It contains no differentiation by age groups or any further details. This is required to make the hierarchical models manageable. It seems still to provide useful information on potential movements in the epidemic.
  • The models do not take account to changes of interventions that do not impact general mobility such as mask wearing, social distancing, handwashing and testing, tracing and isolation. The models do take account of the average impact of these interventions over time, but changes in these interventions will not be taken account of. For example, increases in masks usage and testing may result in \(R_{t,m}\) increases to be less with increased mobility.
  • Google Mobility data may not effectively cover the South African population. It’s unclear how uniform the coverage is in say lower income populations who may have limited data and hence not contribute significantly to the mobility indexes.
  • IFR assumptions may be wrong:
    • It’s based on Chinese data and may therefore be higher or lower in SA. The IFR employed though has been found consistent with various sources [7].
    • It does not consider health system capacity. In adverse scenarios the IFR is likely to increase if health system capacity is exceeded.
  • The model assumes that all COVID-19 deaths are captured and reported via NICD into [4]. If this record is not complete the model may underestimate deaths.

Impact of Interventions

From the results it’s clear that \(R_{t,m}\) in all provinces has likely been reduced from \(R_{0,m}\) and this has slowed the spread of the epidemic in South Africa saving lives. However, in Europe the lockdowns have been able to reduce \(R_{t}\) for various countries below 1 [8]. South Africa’s lockdowns and other interventions have not been as successful as in most European countries.

Lockdown - Level 4

It’s clear that mobility has increase somewhat following the commencement of level 4 lockdowns. This results in an increasing the \(R_{t,m}\) in various provinces since the start of May. The death data corresponding to this increased \(R_{t,m}\) is unlikely to be significant as yet and we will soon see whether this model is handling this accurately, or if potentially through other interventions the Level 4 is not increasing \(R_{t,m}\).

Further Relaxation of Lockdown

It’s clear that projections on current mobility levels would already result in significant peaks in deaths in July and August.
Further to that an increase from current mobility 50% back to normal mobility would significantly worsen these peaks.

Relevance of IFR

The IFR is not treated as a parameter but as a constant with random noise. Changes to the IFR will change the modelled infections that correlate with the observed deaths. Sensitivity to the IFR could be modelled.

Using Mobility Data

Using mobility data is useful to not only measure the impact of government interventions but also include the societal response to those interventions (as they affect mobility). This means that changes in the reaction to new regulations can be modelled. It may also be useful going forward as many new regulations are introduced possibly at a provincial level to summarise the impact of interventions numerically.

Further Work

The author intends to:

  • Continually update these model fits as new data emerges.
  • Search and include further indexes that may track other interventions to model their effect.
  • Produce similar models for a selection of countries.
  • Back test earlier models against new data.
  • Analyse the sensitivity of results to changes in IFR.

Detailed Assumptions and Methodology

The model assumes that current reproduction number, \(R_{t,m}\), is a function of the initial reproduction number, \(R_{0,m}\), and mobility changes over time. It then calculates infections as a function of \(R_{t,m}\) over time, and then, using these infections calculates deaths from the infections based on a distribution of time to death. Various prior distributions are assumed. The model structure is identical to that in [1] but is briefly documented below. The parameters are estimated jointly using a single hierarchical model covering all provinces. This means that data in different provinces are combined to inform all parameters in the model. As per [1], fitting was done in R using Stan with an adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler.

The Model

The model assumes a base reproduction number (\(R_{0,m}\)) for each province (\(m\)) and models future values of the reproduction number using mobility indexes as follows:



  • \(t\) is the day.
  • \(\phi^{-1}\) is the inverse logit function.
  • \(I_{k,t,m}\) are the mobility indexes from Google Mobility [5] data for each province over time. Typical movements are presented by 0 and atypically movements are represented by increases or decreases to the above.
  • \(\alpha_{k}\) is the effect of mobility index \(I_{k,t,m}\) on \(R_{t,m}\) independent of province.
  • \(\beta_{k,m}\) is the province specific effect of mobility index \(I_{k,t,m}\) on \(R_{t,m}\).

Infections are modelled as:

\(c_{t,m}=S_{t,m}R_{t,m}\sum_{\tau=0}^{t-1}c_{\tau,m}g_{t-\tau}\) where \(S_{t,m}=1 - \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{t-1}c_{i,m}}{N_{m}}\).

Infections, \(c_{t,m}\) at time \(t\) are a function of proportion of population not yet infected (\(S_{t,m}\)), the reproduction number (\(R_{t,m}\)) and infections prior to that \(c_{\tau,m}\) as well as an infectiousness curve \(g_{t-\tau}\). \(N_m\) is the population in province \(m\).

Deaths, \(d_{t,m}\) are modelled as:



  • \(ifr_{m}^*\) is the average infection fatality rate (IFR) in the province (with random noise added).
  • \(\pi_{t-\tau}\) is a distribution of time to death since infection.

Prior Assumptions and Random Noise

The following assumptions are taken as is from ???.

We add random noise to the IFR as follows:

\(ifr_{m}^*=ifr_{m}\cdot N(1,0.1)\)

\(\alpha_{k}\) is normally distributed with a 0 mean:

\(\alpha_{k} \sim N(0,0.5)\)

If \(Y \sim N(\mu,\sigma)\) then we define \(N^{+}\) to mean the distribution of \(|Y| \sim N^{+}(0,0.5)\).

Then for the provincial specific index effects we use:

\(\beta_{k,m} \sim N(0,\gamma)\) with \(\gamma \sim N^{+}(0,0.5)\)

The \(R_{0,m}\) are defined to be distributed normally as follows:

\(R_{0,m} \sim N(3.28,\kappa)\) with \(\kappa \sim N^{+}(0,0.5)\)

Infectiousness follows this distribution:

\(g \sim Gamma(6.5,0.62)\)

Time to death follows this distribution:

\(\pi \sim Gamma(5.1,0.86)+Gamma(17.8,0.45)\)

Death and Confirmed Case Data

Death and case data were used from [4]. This data set contains, amongst other, provincial case and deaths data digitised mainly from daily tweets by National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD).

We note again that the model calibrates to only the deaths. The reason for not calibrating to confirmed cases is that the bias in the testing is unknown. The degree to which testing has focussed on symptomatic and people seeking medical treatment or hospital treatment is unknown and could have changed over time. This would present a biased estimate and would require adjustment in this model.

Based on limited death data, provinces were aggregated as follows:

  • EC – Eastern Cape
  • GP – Gauteng
  • KZN – KwaZulu Natal
  • WC – Western Cape
  • OTH (all other provinces)

Infection Fatality Rates (IFR)

The IFR (\(ifr_{m}\)) for each province was calculated using the output of the squire R package [9]. It produces an age-specific infection attack ratios (IAR), infections and deaths. The per age band IFR were used together with the per age band IAR and these were applied to provincial populations [10]. The IFRs from squire package are based on [11], [12] and [9].

The projection was done doing the default parameters for South Africa and the resultant attack ratio (\(a_{x}\)) and IFR (\(ifr_{x}\)) for each 5-year age band was obtained (\(x\)).

These \(a_{x}\) and \(ifr_{x}\) were then applied to the South African population per province and age band as per [10] and weighted IFRs calculated as follows.

\(ifr_{m}=\frac{\sum_{x}N_{x,m} \cdot a_{x} \cdot ifr_{x}}{\sum_{x}N_{x,m}}\)

Here \(N_{x,m}\) is the population in a particular province (\(m\)) and age band (\(x\)).

Below we tabulate the resultant \(ifr_{m}\):

Province IFR
EC 0.59%
GP 0.39%
KZN 0.4%
WC 0.48%
OTH 0.44%
South Africa 0.44%

The differences between provinces reflect the different age profiles in those provinces as per [10]. This seems low compared to the IFRs in [7], but may be reasonable given the younger profile of the South African population.

Mobility Indexes

These data contain the mobility indexes for each province. These are described in [5] as follows:

  • Grocery & pharmacy: Mobility trends for places like grocery markets, food warehouses, farmers markets, specialty food shops, drug stores, and pharmacies.
  • Parks: Mobility trends for places like local parks, national parks, public beaches, marinas, dog parks, plazas, and public gardens.
  • Transit stations: Mobility trends for places like public transport hubs such as subway, bus, and train stations.
  • Retail & recreation: Mobility trends for places like restaurants, cafes, shopping centres, theme parks, museums, libraries, and movie theatres.
  • Residential: Mobility trends for places of residence.
  • Workplaces: Mobility trends for places of work.

These measure relative changes in mobility in above dimensions relative to a baseline established before the epidemic. For example, -30% implies a 30% reduction in mobility from pre-COVID-19 mobility.

As per [1] these data were combined into 2 indexes for each province as follows:

  • Residential
  • Average of the rest

In [1] three indexes were used (Residential, Transit and the rest). This was reduced for this paper due to limited data.

We calculated indexes for OTH by weighting the individual provinces by population.


This report was prepared by Louis Rossouw. Please get in contact with Louis Rossouw if you have comments or wish to receive this regularly.

Louis Rossouw
Head of Research & Analytics
Gen Re | Life/Health Canada, South Africa, Australia, NZ, UK & Ireland
Email: Mobile: +27 71 355 2550

The views in this document represents that of the author and may not represent those of Gen Re. Also note that given the significant uncertainty involved with the parameters, data and methodology care should be taken with these numbers and any use of these numbers.


[1] Volmer et al., “Report 20 - using mobility to estimate the transmission intensity of COVID-19 in Italy: A subnational analysis with future scenarios,” Imperial College, London, 2020 [Online]. Available:

[2] Mellan et al., “Report 21: Estimating COVID-19 cases and reproduction number in brazil,” Imperial College, London, 2020 [Online]. Available:

[3] Unwin et al., “Report 23 - state-level tracking of COVID-19 in the united states,” Imperial College, London, 2020 [Online]. Available:

[4] Marivate et al., “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) case data - South Africa.” [Online]. Available:

[5] Google LLC, “Google covid-19 community mobility reports.” [Online]. Available:

[6] R Core Team, R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2019 [Online]. Available:

[7] G. Meyerowitz-Katz and L. Merone, “A systematic review and meta-analysis of published research data on COVID-19 infection-fatality rates,” Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2020 [Online]. Available:

[8] Flaxman et al., “Report 13 - estimating the number of infections and the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in 11 European countries,” Imperial College, London, 2020 [Online]. Available:

[9] Walker et al., “Report 12 - the global impact of COVID-19 and strategies for mitigation and suppression,” Imperial College, London, 2020 [Online]. Available:

[10] Statistics South Africa, “Mid-year population estimates 2019,” Republic of South Africa, London, 2019.

[11] Verity et al., “Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: A model-based analysis,” The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2020 [Online]. Available:

[12] Ferguson et al., “Report 9 - impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand,” Imperial College, London, 2020 [Online]. Available: